"Frankreich zu Hause genießen". Unter diesem Motto bringen wir dir das Savoir-Vivre nach Hause: Mit Augustas Box bieten wir dir alles Rund um Käse, Wein und das französische Feinkost. Denn wir lieben Käse und möchten diese lebenswerten Momente mit dir teilen.

  • Sébastien

    Comes from the French Alps and always has a piece of cheese in his pocket ;-) He successfully runs his restaurant "La Cantine d'Augusta" in Berlin. And select products for your boxes.

  • Vianney

    Comes from Berlin, is half French and Sébastien's brother-in-law. Takes care of the shop and contact with you. Loves cheese, savoir-vivre and good conversations over a glass of wine.

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All cheese?

If you would like to know more about us or simply want to tell us something - please send us a message!